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Blue / White

Article no. 35-1-00-00030


€521,00 VAT not included

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  • Shiny coat
  • Improved alertness
  • Prolongs summer condition
  • Fewer stable bacteria
  • Improved health and well-being
  • Improved sports performance
  • Faster recovery times
  • Improved breeding
  • 5-year warranty

Not just a stable light, this is equine light therapy.
HorseLight is an equine blue light therapy system that has been developed to enhance performance and breeding for all horses. This unique type of stable lighting system delivers the health benefits of summer daylight to indoor stabling.
Each light delivers the correct amount of high intensity white and blue spectrums that have been proven to positively impact the horse’s body clock (circadian rhythm). This cannot be achieved by standard LED or fluorescent lighting.
Our easy to install, cost effective systems are suitable for a single stable or for a large professional yard.
Our Single Stable DIY kit comes complete with stable light, controller, cabling and plug.
For more than one stable you can purchase individual HorseLight stable lights and run them all from one controller.
Horse health and performance is simple with HorseLight
HorseLight is a whole new concept delivering equine health, well-being and performance at the flick of a light switch. Illuminate your horse all year round and see the amazing results.

Scientifically proven lighting therapy

Suitable for all horses
As owners we all want the best for our horses. Whether you are a racing trainer, professional rider, breeder or leisure rider, the health, happiness and well-being of our horses is a must for them to perform at whatever level or discipline
The horse's body, like many mammals, prefers the summer months. They put and keep on body condition, their coat and skin glows, they have the high amounts of Vitamin D required to help the body's internal processes, they are much happier and they decide it's time to breed! Studies have shown that HorseLight optimise the biological performance of all horses and ponies including:

- Enhanced health & well-being
- Improved sports performance
- Faster recovery times
- Improved breeding
- Reducing pathogens in the stable
​- Reduced electricity costs compared to standard florescent lighting

Duration of exposure
The natural circadian rhythm
In the northern hemisphere the daylight hours vary greatly between the summer months and the winter. For example in December we have 8 hours of daylight and 16 hours of darkness. March to September there is equal day and night (Equinox). June has the longest day (summer solstice).

The physiology of melatonin control
Using specific blue light with correct lux and duration
Light enters through the retina of the eye and suppresses the release of Melatonin from the pineal glands, thus allowing the resumption of hormones to be released from the hypothalamus of the brain.

Why you should invest in horselightModern management methods mean that horses can spend a large proportion of the twenty four hour period in their stable with no exposure to daylight and many are disrupted by illumination at night. This system negatively impacts the horse’s circadian rhythm (body clock) and can result in lack of appetite and poor performance, impaired growth and diminished immune response.

Horselight for performance
Many performance horses spend more time in their stable than they do outside, perhaps even more during the summer due to competing and training. There are also many occasions when turnout just isn't an option due to illness, injury or lack of space.

Horselight for breeding
It has long been acknowledged and research has shown that the introduction of light into the breeding cycle of mares in the winter months would bring them into season earlier.Horses are known as "long-day-breeders.' This means that their normal cyclic activity is primarily activated by an increase in the length of daylight in early spring. With technology now enabling us to select specific light spectrums and intensity and at different times of the year, we can optimise biological performance.