- Q-Line
- References
References from Equestrian customers
This is where satisfied customers and experienced riders come to speak. You read what scientists, instructors and professional riders say about our products.
Chiho Uehara
I am writing this review from Japan. For those who are undecided about purchasing, here are some recommended points. ・Customer Service After payment, the item was shipped immediately. It was a very good response. It only took 3 days to receive it in Japan! ・About the product The product is very well thought out, simple yet functionally designed. There are only two things I need to do to operate the massager: charge the battery and connect the battery to the switch. I'm not good at operating machines, but this is so easy that I can't make any mistakes. ・Impressions after using it The horses were very relaxed and enjoyed their massage time. One of the horses had a bad back and struggled to move her hind legs, but after the massage she was able to move much better. ・Lastly I am neither a veterinarian nor a physical therapist, so I cannot offer a medical or scientific opinion, but the horses that used the massager looked very relaxed and calm. Seeing the horses looking happy makes me happy too. I am really glad that I purchased this product!
Jonty Evans
“I’ve been riding dressage and XC schooling in the Sedelogic Pad with my horses. My feelings are that they are very light, easily worn, an exceptional fit, and as far as I can tell very effective! I’m lucky because my saddles all fit very well. The pad does not interfere with saddle fit and I think very probably that the Sedelogic pad adds to their effectiveness, especially competing in a sport where being perfect all the time is probably not possible. These pads are going to add to those tools that will make yours and your horses life easier and better”.
Remco Bouwens
Every horse is different, so every horse has his own pad for the best performances. That’s only possible with Sedelogic. I train Wotan for example with the Orthopad so the saddle gets slightly lifted in the back. For him, it’s the perfect solution to give his best in every competition.
Marc-Peter Spahn & Ykje Baron
Very grateful for this!!! We received it today and tried it out immediately, Top! We now have three different types and can use all three, We've exchanged our gel pads for the Sedelogic pads because the horses move superbly under them.
Julia Otto - Roll-Up bandage roller
The Roll-up bandage roller is truly the solution for anyone using bandages. Where I normally spend a long time rolling up bandages, with the roll-up, it's done within 5 seconds! The bandages are quickly and neatly rolled up without any effort. A must-have for every stable.
Julia Otto - Cooling boots
To provide my horses with optimal recovery after an intense training session or competition, I use both cooling boots and hoof boots. This ensures that the warmed-up tendons and ligaments can cool down effectively after the training for better recovery. The ice packs can be easily placed in the compartment of the boots. Since the ice pack consists of multiple squares, it wraps beautifully around the leg! The hoof boots are easy to put on and stay in place securely. When I go to multi-day competitions, I bring a small freezer to ensure proper care for my horses here as well, cooling their legs after each event. I use the cooling boots for both front and hind legs.
Julia Otto - Warm-up massage roller
For the past few weeks, before every training session my show jumping horses undergo, I use the warm-up massage roller. I place the pad 20 minutes before I start riding. The back is gently loosened with various massage settings. I notice that the horses become calm from the massage, and there is a significant difference in their performance while riding! Some young horses used to find mounting a bit daunting, but this has greatly improved with the use of the pad. Even horses that struggle to use their back properly become more supple while riding and respond more easily to the hand and leg aids. With my sport horses, I also use the pad afterwards. This ensures that even after the training, the back muscles are well circulated for optimal recovery. I definitely recommend the pad for sport horses, horses with stiffness, and young horses that get tense during mounting and dismounting.
Danny & Kimberly Sorenson, Sorenson Ranch Texas, Inc. Whitesboro, TX
We love our Q-line, 4-horse panel walker by Vitafloor. It has given us the opportunity to offer our racehorse clients a gradual and safe transition from layup to rehab to light and moderate conditioning so they can resume formal race training already legged up in their mind and fitness. Most of them look forward to their daily sessions on "the wheel", as we call it. Also, the company has had superb customer service. They are easy to get a hold of and have handled any issues with courtesy, professionalism and in a timely manner.
Robert Mendoza- Grand Prix Show Jumper
“I have been using the Sedelogic pads for a number of years and am incredibly happy with them. From day one they have held their shape and are as good today as they were the first day I used them. They are thin enough to not affect the fit of my saddles, but have enough cushion to keep my horses backs happy.”
VDL Stud - Quality Always Wins
"VDL stud farm is responsible for more than 50 breeding stallions worldwide. Since 1972 our warmbloods and their offspring have been put to the test at the highest levels, and our horses have been taking part in the Olympics since 1996. In addition, our stallions are being successfully used by other studbooks. In our continued quest to improve our quality, we started using a Vitafloor in the beginning of 2022 in our European certified breeding station in Bears, The Netherlands. Our company slogan is “Quality wins the battle” and the use of the Vitafloor fits within this very well”.
Laura Graves, American Dressage athlete.
“I had the privilege of using a Vitafloor while stabled in Belgium in preparation for the 2014 World Equestrian Games. I was hesitant about my horse being nervous but he very quickly accepted the sessions and was soon leading himself onto the floor! Vitafloor helps keep my horses comfortable in ways that I can’t. The vibration penetrates much deeper than any icing technology or massage and treats the whole body in every session. In addition to the physical benefits, the horses love it!”
Steffen Peters S. Peters Dressage, San Diego CA, USA
"Competition horses in top form" "The Vitafloor is a valuable addition to our competition horses, it really helps to keep them in top shape, clean and healthy!"
Sjef Janssen | Anky Education Center | Bondscoach dressuurteam België
VERY SATISFIED WITH THE SERVICE "We have been using the Vitafloor for years. After using it, we notice a clear difference in our horses; they feel very relaxed both mentally and physically. We are also very satisfied with the service that Vitafloor provides us!"
Martina Regenberg, instructor at a riding school with people with disabilities.
A very great success with the mounting aid. Our disabled people appreciate the mounting aid because it gives them a very special sense of security. The mounting aid provides considerable relief for the horses, but also for people with disabilities here in the riding school. Themounting aid offers these people a sense of security.
Lily Borden
For a while now I was looking for the ideal half pad because, just like good leg protection, I also find back protection very important. The S Curve pad has super good shock absorption! It is also a beautiful pad that lies inconspicuously under the saddle. Q-line gave us very friendly instructions on how to use the pad exactly, so that it shaped exactly to our horse. After warming and riding, the pad took the shape of our horse's back. As if tailor-made.
Hengsthouderij Höcker
I’m amazed at the difference the mounty pad has made to Jack in less than a week.
Vicky Jeffries
Already after the first treatment with the Warm-up I could finally, after 3 years of trying everything, normally mount my horse standing complete still and without stress. I’m amazed at the difference the mounty pad has made to Jack in less than a week.
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