Our daily routine does not leave us much time to make proper use of the benefits of sunlight and it’s vital, health preserving radiation.
Ever increasing industrialization has forced us to restrain our activities to enclosed rooms where sunlight can only enter through filters or not at all. This affects not only humans but also horses, especially since the blanket of smog which is spreading in an alarming way over our cities and industrial areas, absorbs the most important rays of sunlight.
The lack of sunlight leads among others things to medical disorders which are generally known as “Vegetative Dystonie”. It’s symptoms are increased sensitivity, less endurance, decreased efficiency and higher susceptibility to infectious diseases.
With horses vitamin D synthesis occurs in the skin through exposure to UVB radiation from sunlight. This process involves the conversion of a vitamin D precursor, 7-dehydrocholesterol, into active vitamin D. After sunlight exposure, vitamin D3 is produced and converted into the biologically active form, calcitriol, in the liver and kidneys. Factors such as sunlight intensity, coat type, and location influence production. In areas with limited sunlight, vitamin D supplementation may be necessary. The use of UV lamps, although complex due to various wavelengths, can be an alternative approach; however, consulting with a veterinarian is essential for safe use.
Over the years it has been the general conclusion that the combined effects of ultraviolet + light + infrared (=heat) as emitted by the sun is of special importance for ray-treatment and that the radiation effect is not confined to the skin which is first and foremost exposed, but that other areas of the body which do not receive direct radiation can also be reached.
During the last 20 years many medical publications have been published on the subject of the biological effects of the Ultra Vitalux sunlamp. The following interesting points were observed:
1. The regulative effect on the vegetative nervous system and increased elasticity and reaction of the redox system. For the organism this means preservation or even increase of the resilience and efficiency. This biological effect can be compared with the effect of sports training but not with the stimulating effect of for instance caffeine.
2. improved ability to recover from strenuous work or illness.
3. prevention of infectious diseases due to the bactericidal effects.
4. re-activation of active substances , raising or regulation of the calcium level.
5. improved blood circulation of the skin which becomes more elastic and smoother
6. Excellent results in the treatment of furuncles etc
Exposure plan with distance between sunlamp and horse of 50-75 cm. If the distance between sunlamp and horse is approx. 50cm the biological effect is approx. 6-7 times greater than that of normal sunlight. If reactions are normal, erythema (reddening of the skin) is reached after approx. 3 minutes exposure. The same effect could be reached after 35 minutes of exposure to sunlight at noon on a mid-summer day.